#6 Don’t be a dick

#6 Don’t be a dick. Girls can be dicks sometimes. Boys can be too. But I’m not sure I’ve ever encountered anything quite so savage as a mean girl. Sadly, the horsey world seems to contain a fair few of these 'dick' girls. This makes me really sad, because there are so many wonderful, helpful, fun and friendly people within it too. The dick girls are the kind that gather their cronies together and toy with the feelings of the others in the group - for sport. Or for their own self-esteem. Who knows. The kind who take a really mean-spirited attitude to anything positive experienced by anyone other than themselves. Anyone who has been on the receiving end of verbal or emotional bullying like this, no matter how mild, may remember the feeling that, each week, someone would take their turn at being the flavour of the month where the Chief Mean Girl was concerned. The others would be treated in a fairly indifferent fashion – they weren’t made to feel anything...