#25 Dressage Debrief

In the New Year, I set myself a(n albeit small) goal of trying to become marginally less shit at dressage. This afternoon was our third ever -and final, for a while- pure dressage outing. And even though we haven’t come home bedecked in ribbons, I do think we can tick ✅ the box of ‘getting better’ ☺️ . ... Neither Flora nor I will ever be dressage stars. We are neither talented enough at this discipline, nor enjoy it enough. Flora especially can’t seem to find it in herself to be less tense when we are in the test situation itself, even though she’s come on in leaps and bounds at home in our lessons and schooling sessions and will happily flop round beautifully in the warm up! Even on our hacks, leg yielding and transitions have become the order of the day and have replaced our usual pottering or galloping about 🙈 . Alas, the judge’s comments are always the same: 6s and 7s, a “lovely little horse with correct paces” who is “well/kindly/carefully/sym...