#27 The Big Fall

Last time I posted properly, Flora was still very much the new kid on the block at her livery yard. Since then, she has settled in completely, earned herself a reputation as the yard slut π , discovered some b.e.a.UTIFUL rides where she can canter through fields to her heart’s content, and last but not least, has rediscovered her love for eventing (well not the dressage, but still...) π After our XC lesson in July, where we both left with heads so big we could barely get back on the lorry, we booked in for some XC schooling at Northallerton Equestrian Centre; the idea being to school over fences we’d be jumping competitively a few days later. Ah, the dreaded Northallerton Equestrian Centre ... π± I say ‘dreaded’ because this was the very spot where I took a fairly heavy tumble just over two years ago. This was, and still is (until tomorrow most likely, now I’ve put this out there) the only place I have EVER fallen off Floz π. And believe me, she’s done her very best a few time...